Monday, February 14, 2005

Volume One : The Greatest Hits

Ever wondered why the blog has been named so..... If you did wonder then I might ask you when? As a matter of fact there are thousand and one people who do the same. Do what is not required or is not wanted or has no significant impact on the rotational speed of this earth (for example you might be so impressed by reading this that you might post a comment).
Today I saw this top-notch blog which said
"Things I hate about my Flatmate : In this blog, I intend to list one event per day that my flatmate does to piss me off"
What if her flatmate does two things on the same day? What if "one item" a day doesn't ever make a "list"? What if the subtitle never existed? What if the intention never matches the deeds and we get a type mismatch.... which might eventually change the rotational speed of earth.

Didn't get it dude? If you couldn't interpret this bunch of statements, I wonder how will those guys feel when they sit to decrypt the cryptographs of Shakespear.

And by the way, is it always nessessssery to write that annoying sub-heading that says "The Warrior Within the Warrior" in that reCURSEive game called Prinsopher See Ya!!!

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